Team-Building with a Difference!

Use the medium of food to create team-spirit, and build interaction and innovation in your business units. Food levels the playing fields for men and women alike, in a fun, interactive and entertaining manner. The key drivers include creating unity, mutual understanding, igniting team spirit, developing the ability to listen, co-ordinate tasks, encourage co-operation and interactive team-work, and, of course, lots of fun and laughs.

Teambuilds are structured and personalised around each specific group and helps bring people out of themselves and expose new and hidden talents. This is an opportunity for even the most uninformed chef to experience the thrills, skills, techniques, creativity and pressures of modern cuisine. Key learnings are highlighted in how teamwork can either create success or failure – both in and out of the kitchen.

Basic Teambuilding Costs
Min 12 pax :
3 hour Full Teambuild – 2 course meal - R350.00pp
3 hour Full Teambuild – 3 course meal - R390.00pp

Prices exclude VAT

... Entertaining Informative Interactive

quick • easy • healthy • fun
Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Member City and Guilds (London) Training Provider South African Chefs Association Training Provider WACS - World Chefs SACHEF Educators Forum Training Provider QCTO - Quality Council for Trades and Occupations South African Chefs Association Member Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs Restaurant Association of South Africa


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